At one point, it looked as though Exit Calm were lost to the music world.
The space following the release of the band's debut album was empty, a void filled by doubts over the future. Yet late last year, Exit Calm signalled their intention to return.
Work was under way on a new album, with early signs from those sessions revealing that something special was brewing. Fusing blissful psychedelia with often brutal electronics, tracks such as recent single 'When They Rise' was utterly uncompromising.
Now, with the final mix-down complete, Exit Calm are ready to unveil their new album. 'The Future Isn't What It Used To Be' is set to be released on September 23rd via Club AC30, but ahead of this Clash is delighted to be able to offer you the exclusive first listen.
It's a bracing, engaging experience. Exit Calm - despite their moniker - aren't a band to chill out to, with their take on shoegaze pushing the needle defiantly into the red.
Soaring, inspiring guitar music, you can listen to it below.
Edit: Embedded SoundCloud playlist (discontinued) replaced with the Spotify album.
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