Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Streaming completo di Apettando I Barbari dei Massimo Volume su XL

Da http://www.massimovolume.it/streaming-completo-di-apettando-i-barbari-su-xl/

Da oggi è possibile ascoltare in anteprima esclusiva sul sito de La Repubblica XL lo streaming completo e gratuito di Aspettando I Barbari, il nuovo album dei Massimo Volume in uscita il 1° ottobre.

Il singolo La Cena è condivisibile tramite SoundCloud. Sul sito de La Tempesta si può ascoltare il brano ed ordinare l’album. Il regista, fumettista e illustratore Gianni Pacinotti, in arte Gipi sta lavorando al video.

Su Rockit c’è ancora il commentario track by track dell’album a cura di Emidio Clementi, con estratti dei testi di ciascun brano.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Exclusive Stream: Exit Calm - The Future Isn't What It Used To Be

From http://www.clashmusic.com/features/exclusive-stream-exit-calm-the-future-isnt-what-it-used-to-be

At one point, it looked as though Exit Calm were lost to the music world.
The space following the release of the band's debut album was empty, a void filled by doubts over the future. Yet late last year, Exit Calm signalled their intention to return.
Work was under way on a new album, with early signs from those sessions revealing that something special was brewing. Fusing blissful psychedelia with often brutal electronics, tracks such as recent single 'When They Rise' was utterly uncompromising.
Now, with the final mix-down complete, Exit Calm are ready to unveil their new album. 'The Future Isn't What It Used To Be' is set to be released on September 23rd via Club AC30, but ahead of this Clash is delighted to be able to offer you the exclusive first listen.
It's a bracing, engaging experience. Exit Calm - despite their moniker - aren't a band to chill out to, with their take on shoegaze pushing the needle defiantly into the red.
Soaring, inspiring guitar music, you can listen to it below.

Edit: Embedded SoundCloud playlist (discontinued) replaced with the Spotify album.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Prefab Sprout - The Best Jewel Thief In The Wrold (official video)

From the forthcoming album Criomson/Red


Edit: as you can see, the video is now private, inexplicably. Well, luckily fan videos exist:

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Massimo Volume - Aspettando I Barbari: copertina e vinile trasparente limitato

Da http://www.massimovolume.it/aspettando-i-barbari-copertina-e-vinile-trasparente-limitato/

Ecco la copertina di Aspettando i Barbari, il nuovo disco dei Massimo Volume, in uscita il 1° ottobre su La Tempesta (distribuzione Master Music: info@mastermusicrecords.it ).

Due sorelle si abbracciano in quello che una volta si sarebbe definito un interno borghese. Una ha il capo riverso sulla spalla dell’altra, gli occhi chiusi, l’atteggiamento di totale abbandono. La sorella la tiene stretta a sé, protettiva. Ha lo sguardo vigile, come se fosse stata attratta di colpo da un rumore, da qualcosa che fra un attimo spezzerà l’intimità della scena. Aspettando i barbari si riflette bene nel quadro di copertina di Ryan Mendoza. Lo sguardo privato di brani come La cena, La notte, Silvia Camagni, Da Dove Sono Stato pare invaso da un’inquietudine incombente, che porta con sé echi di guerra e di distruzione.

Con la rivelazione della copertina Tannen Records apre i pre-order dello splendido vinile 180 grammi di “Aspettando I Barbari” dei Massimo Volume. Solo le prime 200 copie sono in vinile trasparente.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Exit Calm Unveil New Album 'The Future Isn't What It Used To Be'

From http://www.clashmusic.com/news/exit-calm-unveil-new-album-the-future-isnt-what-it-used-to-be

Exit Calm have revealed plans for new album 'The Future Isn't What It Used To Be'.
At one point, it seemed as though Exit Calm were lost to us. The band drifted into silence, with releases slowing down and touring drawing to a halt. Earlier this year, though, the band burst back into vivid life.
Comeback single 'The Rapture' was all feedback and adrenaline, a leather-jacket clad ode to life on the wrong side of the tracks.
Now they're ready to release their new album. 'The Future Isn't What It Used To Be' will be released on September 23rd, with long term home Club AC30 providing the band with safe harbour.
Stripped from the album, 'Fiction' shows what to expect. Exit Calm have a swirling, psychedelic sound with a wicked, evil edge.
Noise rock with plenty of soaring melody, 'Fiction' has a low slung, breakbeat influenced sound which recalls the glory days of baggy.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


Great song, and the others in the new EP are even better!