Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Blumchen Cafe - Notturno

Video mooolto artigianale creato per una delle canzoni più belle mai ascoltate a Parma e non solo... se volete saperne di più su questo gruppo cercate "Blumchen Cafe" su Facebook

Monday, 25 May 2009

New album by Section 25 coming on June 16th!

The new album by legendary former Factory band Section 25 will be released on June 16th on LTM.
Titled Nature + Degree, it features the vocals of Beth Cassidy, which are as beautiful as her late mother Jennifer, who was also a member of the band.
While the excellent previous album Part Primitiv recalled the best of their post punk days, Nature + Degree seems to be more oriented to their electro period, but seems very well promising as well.
On this page on their official site you can hear a sample of Remembrance, taken from the forthcoming album, and preview the tracklist.
The artwork looks really beautiful as well, very Factory style.